View file content screen
This topic provides an overview of the View file content screen and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on viewing or exporting a file refer to To view the file on OSS-ESPA or export it in an xls or csv format.
The View file content screen opens when you click in the Case files section of the Manage case screen. It allows you to view on a separate browser tab the content of the file. It also allows you to export the file in either .xls or .csv formats. This feature primarily allows you to compare the imported data with the original file to ensure the data imported successfully.
Click to export the file in .xls format. This feature primarily allows you to compare the imported data with the original file to ensure the data imported successfully.
Click to export the file in .csv format. This feature primarily allows you to compare the imported data with the original file to ensure the data imported successfully.
Click to return to the Manage case screen.